At Bug Commander Pest Control in Frisco, TX, we are experts in termite treatment and control; we know that different seasons affect the activity levels of termites, including termites in and around your home. In the spring and fall, termites swarm, looking for mates and establishing new colonies. During summer, termites accelerate their eating and breeding activity as the weather becomes more predictable, the upper layer of soil turns warm and moist and there’s plenty of food to be found.
Winter Is Coming
Though it may not feel like it just yet, winter is just around the corner; and, according to the 2017 Farmers’ Almanac, this winter is going to be chillier than last year, even in Texas. As a homeowner, you may think that the colder weather will give you a reprieve from having to worry about termites damaging your home; after all, many types of pests slow down their activity – or disappear altogether – in the winter time. Unfortunately, termites are different. They just hunker down in the walls or attic of your toasty, warm house and keep eating.
Don’t Let Your Guard Down
Termites don’t freeze and they don’t hibernate – they just eat and make little termites. That’s why letting your guard down just because the temperature has dropped is a bad idea. Everything you did in the spring to keep the termite population down and to keep them out of your house, you must continue to do all year round. That sounds labor-intensive, but it’s not. What you need to do to keep termites out can also help to keep other pests out and it can easily fit into your home-maintenance routine. The first thing you need to do is control the moisture in and around your house. Termites need it to survive so you need to check for drips and leaks inside and outside your home. This will also ensure that your water bills stay low. Controlling moisture also means keeping damp wood, like firewood, at least 20 feet away from your foundation.
Get Professional Help
Don’t hesitate to call a company that specializes in termite treatment and control, like Bug Commander Pest Control, to ask what to look for if you suspect you have a termite infestation. They’ll tell you to check your foundation for termite mud tubes. These are the tubes termites construct to move from the ground into your structure without drying out. They’ll also tell you to check inside your home for tiny holes or soft spots in your walls. Termites eat almost everything that is cellulose-based, including wood and the paper on your sheetrock. Also, check all of the wood that isn’t behind the walls like roof eaves and door and window frames for signs of termite damage. Termite damage that you can see is in the form of hollow “galleries” or tunnels in the wood. If you can’t see any damage, try tapping on the wood; hearing a hollow sound will be a sign that there might be termite damage.
Don’t take chances this winter; call us at Bug Commander Pest Control at (214) 307-1933 for the best termite treatment and control in North Texas.